↓ Transcript
Vox: "My, my..."
Vox: "Such a heartbreaking tragedy."
Vox: "It seems we just found an unreported victim of the previous explosion."
Vox: "We'll make sure to report the ArchBishop's incompetence as soon as we return to Harvatat..."
Vox: "Fear not, DeLorance will pay for all this senseless sacrifice..."
Palui: "Aider..."
Aider: "Palui..."
Aider: "Ughk..."
Vox: "Such a heartbreaking tragedy."
Vox: "It seems we just found an unreported victim of the previous explosion."
Vox: "We'll make sure to report the ArchBishop's incompetence as soon as we return to Harvatat..."
Vox: "Fear not, DeLorance will pay for all this senseless sacrifice..."
Palui: "Aider..."
Aider: "Palui..."
Aider: "Ughk..."