↓ Transcript
Asha: "...figures."
Asha: "Just my luck."
Asha: "However, don't think those vail circuits of yours will keep you arm forever."
Asha: "The Silence is insidious. It will freeze us when we least expect it."
Asha: "Let's get moving."
Asha: "I'll save the crystal for the night."
Asha: "We don't want the night to catch us unprepared."
Asha: "Just my luck."
Asha: "However, don't think those vail circuits of yours will keep you arm forever."
Asha: "The Silence is insidious. It will freeze us when we least expect it."
Asha: "Let's get moving."
Asha: "I'll save the crystal for the night."
Asha: "We don't want the night to catch us unprepared."